Ubuntu "Karmic" (9.10)

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Compiling Tucnak on Ubuntu 9.10 - Karmic [64-bit]

Having acquired Windows 7 64-bit and installed it (not without some interesting departures from the norm) it seemed quite contrary to go with the 64-bit version of the newly released Ubuntu.
So, now with Ubuntu 9.10 [64-bit] installed, dual-boot (not without some interesting departures from the norm) activities fell to installing Tucnak. It was a non-op to install from the built .deb files on the website and in any case I wanted a 2.28 so a src build ...

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libsndfile-dev libsdl-dev libpng-dev libasound-dev libftdi-dev libgpmg1-dev libaa1-dev libaudio-dev libcaca-dev libcucul-dev libdirectfb-dev libesd0-dev libxext-dev libxt-dev nas libhamlib-dev libfftw3-dev libfftw3-3 audiooss

seemed appropriate. (completely fresh install of Karmic - not an upgrade. YMMV)

./configure was good and a build and dpkg install to `/usr/local` appears good so far: Callsign & EXC [OE] lookups, QSO Calculations and the FFT Scope functions all work (limited testing).

There is a .deb available (installs to /usr/local) at tucnak2_2.28-1_amd64 that you can try.
(don't concern yourself about the 'amd64' arch. It is only a name - and this was built on an Intel box.)
CU in the contest!
--'OGY 23:39, 1 November 2009 (UTC)