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- F1: takes a PNG screenshot and saves it to the contest directory or in ~/tucnak/
- F2: saves QSOs from all bands
- F3: erases input line and report
- F3: opens contest
- F4: switches between windows
- F5..F8: executes call 0 .. 3 (CW or SSB)
- F9,F10: main menu
- F11..F12: exec call 4 .. 5
- Shift+F3: New contest from network
- Alt+A: Aircraft scatter info for callsign
- Alt+B: switches bands
- Alt+C: swaps callsigns in unfinished QSO
- Alt+D: confirms callsign from database
- Alt+E: confirms optional exchange
- Alt+F: sets preferred QRG for skeds
- Alt+H: shows history of input line or menu Help
- Alt+I: informations about callsign
- Alt+J: periodical CQ for A/C or M/S
- Alt+K: displays previous "/CQ" item in KST chat
- Ctrl+K: asks for callsign and writes /CQ command as above
- All+M: swaps CW/SSB modes
- Alt+N: displays next item in history
- Alt+O: changes operator
- Alt+P: displays previous item in history
- Alt+Q: exits from program
- Alt+R: shows rotator control window (see Rotators)
- Alt+S: sends sked
- Alt+T: tune for PA
- Alt+U: adds QSO to unfinished QSO
- Alt+V: swaps locator
- Alt+X: confirms locator from database
- Alt+Y: erases unfinished QSO only
- Alt+1..0: directly switchs to window 1 .. 10
- Ctrl+A: turns first rotator to current azimuth (see Rotators)
- Ctrl+B: turns second rotator to current azimuth
- Ctrl+L: in textmode redraws screen
- Ctrl+P: play last recorded WAV file
- Ctrl+R: toggle between Run and S&P mode
- Ctrl+V: allows insert special characters to input line. F.e. Press Ctrl+V then C to send Ctrl+C to program in shell.
- Ctrl+Y: erases input line
- Ctrl+A..Z: changes band (some combinations interference with other features)
- Ctrl+0..9: directly switchs to window 10 .. 19
- TAB: switches on PTT in SSB mode. Switch on transmitting from keyboard in CW mode.
- `: toggles split VFOs MAIN/SUB
- Up Arrow: sets window active
- ESC: finish CQ or switches to input line
- Enter: if CW window is active it's closed
- [: left horizontal scroll of log or window contents
- ]: right horizontal scroll of log or window contents
- Alt+F10: maximize/restore window
- Ctrl+F11: toggle fullscreen
- Ctrl+Up arrow: Page Up (Android changes volume)
- Ctrl+Down arrow: Page Down
- Ctrl++(plus): Increase font size
- Ctrl+-(minus): Decrease font size
Only in DXC window
Shift + key and Ctrl + key do not work under text mode.
Shift + key and Ctrl + key do not work under text mode.
- Shift + Up: scroll bandmap to upper position
- Shift + Down: scroll bandmap to lower position
- Shift + PageUp: scroll bandmap half page to upper position
- Shift + PageDown: scroll bandmap half page to lower position
- Shift + Home: scroll bandmap to home position
- Ctrl + Up: move actual bandmap to upper spot
- Ctrl + Down: move actual bandmap to lower spot
Only in KST window
Shift + key and Ctrl + key do not work under text mode.
- Shift + Up: scroll bandmap to upper position
- Shift + Down: scroll bandmap to lower position
- Shift + PageUp: scroll bandmap half page to upper position
- Shift + PageDown: scroll bandmap half page to lower position
- Shift + Home: scroll bandmap to home position
- Ctrl + Up: move actual bandmap to upper spot
- Ctrl + Down: move actual bandmap to lower spot
- Alt + A: Aircraft scatter info for last KST call (/CQ)
Only in Map window
Graphics polar map is shown only when Tucnak is run with SDL (X11, framebuffer, Windows).
- c: center screen to QTH
- l: show/hide azimuthal lines
- p: zoom QSOs for photo (fits QSOs in)
- r: redraw map
- w: show/hide worked wwls (preset when WWL multiplier is used)
- Cursor keys: moves the map
- +,-: zoom map
- F1: saves graphics window to contest directory in PNG picture format
Only in HF window
- INS: moves multiplier list up
- DEL: moves multiplier list down (no boundary check)
Only in QSOs window
- A: toggle between active band qsos and all qsos
Only in Chart window
- INS: insert TXT or EDI for next chart
- HOME: insert data from existing contest
- DEL: delete one of charts
Only in Scope window
- Space: toggle display modes
Only in Player window
- Left arrow - seek backward 2 secs
- Right arrow - seek forward 1 sec
- Down arrow - seek backward 10 secs
- Up arrow - seek forward 10 secs
- Space, P - play again current file
Other useful Linux keystokes
- Alt+Fx - Changes active console to virtual console x (in console mode)
- Ctrl+Alt+Fx - as above in X Window System
- Alt+Left/Right Arrow - changes console from one to rigth/left